Tuesday, November 25th
Well, the first night on the Trinity was a success. Temps have moderated significantly, I didn’t even need hand warmers to prepare for today’s float. However, I did use my saw for the first time since Montana.
I launched into a beautiful morning hoping to make it to Lake Ray Roberts. I am still in shock that Norm drove down from Montana to experience my last week of the journey. He suggested camping out with me on Ray Roberts tonight (if I can make it) and I thought it would be great if he paddled with me from Ray Roberts to the 183 bridge in Irving. First, I need to paddle through the thicket of trees and the narrow Trinity River to Ray Roberts. It proved quite difficult…but I made it by dusk.
Today was challenging since the river is shallow and rocky, and at one point downed trees prohibited me from paddling through…I thought about portaging but then figured I could saw a tree and make my way to the other side. An hour later I was still stuck..I eventually pushed through and headed down the Trinity. (I now understand sawing is not the best practice, so no more sawing). The river widened and deepened about 6 miles above Roberts and the last miles into the lake were great. It was refreshing to have deep water and the current.
Norm met me at the bridge and suggested I paddle down to the next bridge since camping would be more suitable. I agreed and finished the day heading into a beautiful sunset. Norm and I established camp and I really wanted town food rather than noodles…he agreed to take us to Sanger. We arrived at Babe’s and had a hearty Texas style meal.
Our plans are to head out in the morning, complete the remainder of Ray Roberts and resume the paddle on the Trinity. We should make it to Lake Lewisville tomorrow. It now appears I will definitely make Dallas by Saturday at 3:30, it is bizarre that I am establishing a specific date and time to complete the journey. Good times.
I want a free canoe!! haha! Thanks for filling in the final days of the journey Keith. I’ve been enjoying seeing how the final stretch played out.
the trinity is still freer flowing than the St Mary’s River. What a nightmare that was. I still wake up at night in a cold sweat from those memories……
Babes is a great restaurant to eat at, I hope they took your picture, you are a celebrity now.